In the case of any dividend received from a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation by a domestic corporation which is a United States shareholder with respect to such foreign corporation, there shall be allowed as a deduction an amount equal to the foreign-source portion of such dividend.
(1) In general
The term “specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation” means any foreign corporation with respect to which any domestic corporation is a United States shareholder with respect to such corporation.
(2) Exclusion of passive foreign investment companies
Such term shall not include any corporation which is a passive foreign investment company (as defined in section 1297) with respect to the shareholder and which is not a controlled foreign corporation.
(1) In general
The foreign-source portion of any dividend from a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation is an amount which bears the same ratio to such dividend as—
(A) the undistributed foreign earnings of the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation, bears to
(B) the total undistributed earnings of such foreign corporation.
(2) Undistributed earnings
The term “undistributed earnings” means the amount of the earnings and profits of the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation (computed in accordance with sections 964(a) and 986)—
(A) as of the close of the taxable year of the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation in which the dividend is distributed, and
(B) without diminution by reason of dividends distributed during such taxable year.
(3) Undistributed foreign earnings
The term “undistributed foreign earnings” means the portion of the undistributed earnings which is attributable to neither—
(A) income described in subparagraph (A) of , nor
(B) dividends described in subparagraph (B) of such section (determined without regard to ).
(1) In general
No credit shall be allowed under section 901 for any taxes paid or accrued (or treated as paid or accrued) with respect to any dividend for which a deduction is allowed under this section.
(2) Denial of deduction
No deduction shall be allowed under this chapter for any tax for which credit is not allowable under section 901 by reason of paragraph (1) (determined by treating the taxpayer as having elected the benefits of subpart A of part III of subchapter N).
(1) In general
Subsection (a) shall not apply to any dividend received by a United States shareholder from a controlled foreign corporation if the dividend is a hybrid dividend.
(2) Hybrid dividends of tiered corporations
If a controlled foreign corporation with respect to which a domestic corporation is a United States shareholder receives a hybrid dividend from any other controlled foreign corporation with respect to which such domestic corporation is also a United States shareholder, then, notwithstanding any other provision of this title—
(A) the hybrid dividend shall be treated for purposes of as subpart F income of the receiving controlled foreign corporation for the taxable year of the controlled foreign corporation in which the dividend was received, and
(B) the United States shareholder shall include in gross income an amount equal to the shareholder’s pro rata share (determined in the same manner as under ) of the subpart F income described in subparagraph (A).
(3) Denial of foreign tax credit, etc.
The rules of subsection (d) shall apply to any hybrid dividend received by, or any amount included under paragraph (2) in the gross income of, a United States shareholder.
(4) Hybrid dividend
The term “hybrid dividend” means an amount received from a controlled foreign corporation—
(A) for which a deduction would be allowed under subsection (a) but for this subsection, and
(B) for which the controlled foreign corporation received a deduction (or other tax benefit) with respect to any income, war profits, or excess profits taxes imposed by any foreign country or possession of the United States.
Any amount which is treated as a dividend under shall not be treated as a dividend for purposes of this section.
The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section, including regulations for the treatment of United States shareholders owning stock of a specified 10 percent