There is hereby imposed a tax of 20 percent of the amount of any employer reversion from a qualified plan.
The tax imposed by subsection (a) shall be paid by the employer maintaining the plan.
(1) Qualified plan
The term “qualified plan” means any plan meeting the requirements of section 401(a) or 403(a), other than—
(A) a plan maintained by an employer if such employer has, at all times, been exempt from tax under subtitle A, or
(B) a governmental plan (within the meaning of ).
Such term shall include any plan which, at any time, has been determined by the Secretary to be a qualified plan.
(2) Employer reversion
(A) In general
The term “employer reversion” means the amount of cash and the fair market value of other property received (directly or indirectly) by an employer from the qualified plan.
(B) Exceptions
The term “employer reversion” shall not include—
(i) except as provided in regulations, any amount distributed to or on behalf of any employee (or his beneficiaries) if such amount could have been so distributed before termination of such plan without violating any provision of section 401,
(ii) any distribution to the employer which is allowable under section 401(a)(2)—
any distribution to the employer which is allowable under section 401(a)(2)—
(I) in the case of a multiemployer plan, by reason of mistakes of law or fact or the return of any withdrawal liability payment,
(II) in the case of a plan other than a multiemployer plan, by reason of mistake of fact, or
(III) in the case of any plan, by reason of the failure of the plan to initially qualify or the failure of contributions to be deductible, or
(iii) any transfer described in .
(3) Exception for employee stock ownership plans
(A) In general
If, upon an employer reversion from a qualified plan, any applicable amount is transferred from such plan to an employee stock ownership plan described in or a tax credit employee stock ownership plan (as described in section 409), such amount shall not be treated as an employer reversion for purposes of this section (or includible in the gross income of the employer) if the requirements of subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) are met.
(B) Investment in employer securities
The requirements of this subparagraph are met if, within 90 days after the transfer (or such longer period as the Secretary may prescribe), the amount transferred is invested in employer securities (as defined in section 409(
(C) Allocation requirements
The requirements of this subparagraph are met if the portion of the amount transferred which is not allocated under the plan to accounts of participants in the plan year in which the transfer occurs—
(i) is credited to a suspense account and allocated from such account to accounts of participants no less rapidly than ratably over a period not to exceed 7 years, and
(ii) when allocated to accounts of participants under the plan, is treated as an employer contribution for purposes of section 415(c), except that—
when allocated to accounts of participants under the plan, is treated as an employer contribution for purposes of section 415(c), except that—
(I) the annual addition (as determined under ) attributable to each such allocation shall not exceed the value of such securities as of the time such securities were credited to such suspense account, and
(II) no additional employer contributions shall be permitted to an employee stock ownership plan described in subparagraph (A) of the employer before the allocation of such amount.
(D) Participants
The requirements of this subparagraph are met if at least half of the participants in the qualified plan are participants in the employee stock ownership plan (as of the close of the 1st plan year for which an allocation of the securities is required).
(E) Applicable amount
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “applicable amount” means any amount which—
(i) is transferred after
(ii) is transferred after
(F) No credit or deduction allowed
No credit or deduction shall be allowed under chapter 1 for any amount transferred to an employee stock ownership plan in a transfer to which this paragraph applies.
(G) Amount transferred to include income thereon, etc.
The amount transferred shall not be treated as meeting the requirements of subparagraphs (B) and (C) unless amounts attributable to such amount also meet such requirements.
(4) Time for payment of tax
For purposes of subtitle F, the time for payment of the tax imposed by subsection (a) shall be the last day of the month following the month in which the employer reversion occurs.
(1) In general
Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting “50 percent” for “20 percent” with respect to any employer reversion from a qualified plan unless—
(A) the employer establishes or maintains a qualified replacement plan, or
(B) the plan provides benefit increases meeting the requirements of paragraph (3).
(2) Qualified replacement plan
For purposes of this subsection, the term “qualified replacement plan” means a qualified plan established or maintained by the employer in connection with a qualified plan termination (hereinafter referred to as the “replacement plan”) with respect to which the following requirements are met:
(A) Participation requirement
At least 95 percent of the active participants in the terminated plan who remain as employees of the employer after the termination are active participants in the replacement plan.
(B) Asset transfer requirement
(i) 25 percent cushion
(I) 25 percent of the maximum amount which the employer could receive as an employer reversion without regard to this subsection, over
(II) the amount determined under clause (ii).
(ii) Reduction for increase in benefits
(I) is adopted during the 60-day period ending on the date of termination of the qualified plan, and
(II) takes effect immediately on the termination date.
(iii) Treatment of amount transferred
(I) such amount shall not be includible in the gross income of the employer,
(II) no deduction shall be allowable with respect to such transfer, and
(III) such transfer shall not be treated as an employer reversion for purposes of this section.
(C) Allocation requirements
(i) In general
(I) allocated under the plan to the accounts of participants in the plan year in which the transfer occurs, or
(II) credited to a suspense account and allocated from such account to accounts of participants no less rapidly than ratably over the 7-plan-year period beginning with the year of the transfer.
(ii) Coordination with section 415 limitation
(I) such amount shall be allocated to the accounts of other participants, and
(II) if any portion of such amount may not be allocated to other participants by reason of any such limitation, shall be allocated to the participant as provided in section 415.
(iii) Treatment of income
Any income on any amount credited to a suspense account under clause (i)(II) shall be allocated to accounts of participants no less rapidly than ratably over the remainder of the period determined under such clause (after application of clause (ii)).
(iv) Unallocated amounts at termination
(I) such amount shall be allocated to the accounts of participants as of such date, except that any amount which may not be allocated by reason of any limitation under section 415 shall be allocated to the accounts of other participants, and
(II) if any portion of such amount may not be allocated to other participants under subclause (I) by reason of such limitation, such portion shall be treated as an employer reversion to which this section applies.
(3) Pro rata benefit increases
(A) In general
The requirements of this paragraph are met if a plan amendment to the terminated plan is adopted in connection with the termination of the plan which provides pro rata increases in the accrued benefits of all qualified participants which—
(i) have an aggregate present value not less than 20 percent of the maximum amount which the employer could receive as an employer reversion without regard to this subsection, and
(ii) take effect immediately on the termination date.
(B) Pro rata increase
For purposes of subparagraph (A), a pro rata increase is an increase in the present value of the accrued benefit of each qualified participant in an amount which bears the same ratio to the aggregate amount determined under subparagraph (A)(i) as—
(i) the present value of such participant’s accrued benefit (determined without regard to this subsection), bears to
(ii) the aggregate present value of accrued benefits of the terminated plan (as so determined).
(4) Coordination with other provisions
(A) Limitations
A benefit may not be increased under paragraph (2)(B)(ii) or (3)(A), and an amount may not be allocated to a participant under paragraph (2)(C), if such increase or allocation would result in a failure to meet any requirement under or 415.
(B) Treatment as employer contributions
Any increase in benefits under paragraph (2)(B)(ii) or (3)(A), or any allocation of any amount (or income allocable thereto) to any account under paragraph (2)(C), shall be treated as an annual benefit or annual addition for purposes of section 415.
(C) 10-year participation requirement
Except as provided by the Secretary, shall not apply to any increase in benefits by reason of this subsection to the extent that the application of this subparagraph does not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees (as defined in ).
(5) Definitions and special rules
For purposes of this subsection—
(A) Qualified participant
The term “qualified participant” means an individual who—
(i) is an active participant,
(ii) is a participant or beneficiary in pay status as of the termination date,
(iii) is a participant not described in clause (i) or (ii)—
is a participant not described in clause (i) or (ii)—
(I) who has a nonforfeitable right to an accrued benefit under the terminated plan as of the termination date, and
(II) whose service, which was creditable under the terminated plan, terminated during the period beginning 3 years before the termination date and ending with the date on which the final distribution of assets occurs, or
(iv) is a beneficiary of a participant described in clause (iii)(II) and has a nonforfeitable right to an accrued benefit under the terminated plan as of the termination date.
(B) Present value
Present value shall be determined as of the termination date and on the same basis as liabilities of the plan are determined on termination.
(C) Reallocation of increase
Except as provided in paragraph (2)(C), if any benefit increase is reduced by reason of the last sentence of paragraph (3)(A)(ii) or paragraph (4), the amount of such reduction shall be allocated to the remaining participants on the same basis as other increases (and shall be treated as meeting any allocation requirement of this subsection).
(D) Plans taken into account
For purposes of determining whether there is a qualified replacement plan under paragraph (2), the Secretary may provide that—
(i) 2 or more plans may be treated as 1 plan, or
(ii) a plan of a successor employer may be taken into account.
(E) Special rule for participation requirement
For purposes of paragraph (2)(A), all employers treated as 1 employer under , (c), (m), or (
(6) Subsection not to apply to employer in bankruptcy
This subsection shall not apply to an employer who, as of the termination date of the qualified plan, is in bankruptcy liquidation under chapter 7 of title 11 of the United States Code or in similar proceedings under State law.