(1) General
The tax imposed by shall be a first lien on the distilled spirits from the time the spirits are in existence as such until the tax is paid.
(2) Exceptions
The lien imposed by paragraph (1), or any similar lien imposed on the spirits under prior provisions of internal revenue law, shall terminate in the case of distilled spirits produced on premises qualified under internal revenue law for the production of distilled spirits when such distilled spirits are—
(A) withdrawn from bonded premises on determination of tax; or
(B) withdrawn from bonded premises free of tax under provisions of , (2), (3), (11), or (12), or section 7510; or
(C) exported, deposited in a foreign-trade zone, used in the production of wine, laden as supplies upon, or used in the maintenance or repair of, certain vessels or aircraft, deposited in a customs bonded warehouse, or used in certain research, development, or testing, as provided by law.
For provisions relating to extinguishing of lien in case of redistillation, see .