(1) fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster, or
(2) breakage, destruction, or other damage (but not including theft) resulting from vandalism or malicious mischief,
(1) Period for making claim; proof
No claim shall be allowed under this section unless—
(A) filed within 6 months after the date on which such distilled spirits, wines, or beer were lost, rendered unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official, and
(B) the claimant furnishes proof satisfactory to the Secretary that the claimant—
the claimant furnishes proof satisfactory to the Secretary that the claimant—
(i) was not indemnified by any valid claim of insurance or otherwise in respect of the tax, or tax and duty, on the distilled spirits, wines, or beer covered by the claim; and
(ii) is entitled to payment under this section.
(2) Minimum claim
Except as provided in paragraph (3)(A), no claim of less than $250 shall be allowed under this section with respect to any disaster or other damage (as the case may be).
(3) Special rules for major disasters
If the President has determined under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act that a “major disaster” (as defined in such Act) has occurred in any part of the United States, and if the disaster referred to in subsection (a)(1) occurs in such part of the United States by reason of such major disaster, then—
(A) paragraph (2) shall not apply, and
(B) the filing period set forth in paragraph (1)(A) shall not expire before the day which is 6 months after the date on which the President makes the determination that such major disaster has occurred.
(4) Regulations
Claims under this section shall be filed under such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe.
When the Secretary has made payment under this section in respect of the tax, or tax and duty, on the distilled spirits, wines, or beer condemned by a duly authorized official or rendered unmarketable, such distilled spirits, wines, or beer shall be destroyed under such supervision as the Secretary may prescribe, unless such distilled spirits, wines, or beer were previously destroyed under supervision satisfactory to the Secretary.
The provisions of this section shall not be applicable in respect of distilled spirits, wines, and beer of Puerto Rican manufacture brought into the United States and so lost or rendered unmarketable or condemned.
All provisions of law, including penalties, applicable in respect of internal revenue taxes on distilled spirits, wines, and beer shall, insofar as applicable and not inconsistent with this section, be applied in respect of the payments provided for in this section to the same extent as if such payments constituted refunds of such taxes.