(1) more than 50 percent of the value (as defined in ) of whose total assets at the close of the taxable year consists of stock or securities in foreign corporations, and
(2) which meets the requirements of for the taxable year,
(1) the regulated investment company—
the regulated investment company—
(A) shall not, with respect to such taxable year, be allowed a deduction under or a credit under section 901 for taxes to which subsection (a) is applicable, and
(B) shall be allowed as an addition to the dividends paid deduction for such taxable year the amount of such taxes;
(2) each shareholder of such investment company shall—
each shareholder of such investment company shall—
(A) include in gross income and treat as paid by him his proportionate share of such taxes, and
(B) treat as gross income from sources within the respective foreign countries and possessions of the United States, for purposes of applying subpart A of part III of subchapter N, the sum of his proportionate share of such taxes and the portion of any dividend paid by such investment company which represents income derived from sources within foreign countries or possessions of the United States.
(1) taxes paid to any foreign country or possession of the United States, and
(2) gross income derived from sources within any foreign country or possession of the United States,
The election provided in subsection (a) shall be made in such manner as the Secretary may prescribe by regulations.
This section shall not apply to any tax with respect to which the regulated investment company is not allowed a credit under section 901 by reason of subsection (k) or (
(1) For treatment by shareholders of taxes paid to foreign countries and possessions of the United States, see and section 901.
(2) For definition of foreign corporation, see .